What I Learned By….
Reading, Listening,
Watching, Doing, Being
“The best investment you can make is in yourself”
Warren Buffet

About Us
Hi, and welcome to WhatILearnedBy.com.
I’m Andrew. From years of self-directed study and creating blogs I’ve become aware that I’m always in a process of learning something. While I’ve maintained involvement in Hospitality – previously hands on and now supervision and training – I have been moved to explore different experiences. These adventures have meant learning new things. I’ve come to realize our lives are a chain of learning journeys leading to the places and mindsets we are inhabiting in the present. Each link is an aspect of learning that has formed the chain.
A few years ago I was touched by the writings of Joseph Campbell and his ideas around the Hero’s Journey. This changed how I thought my life should unfold and I began learning new ways of being in the world.
The Hero’s Journey is a Sacred Path, a Path of Heart, a Path to Wisdom, a way to motivate us to see the inherent beauty in all life’s manifestations, a way of seeing that Learning is Evolution.
This site was created to discuss topics like Learning & Motivation. It will contain conversation and analysis on Learning concepts. I’ll also provide tools, products, and reviews of books and educational programs I’ve completed.
Be sure to check back soon!